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The Resplendent Illumination (ad-Diya al-Lami) & The Purifying Drink (ash-Sharab at-Tahur)

The Resplendent Illumination (ad-Diya al-Lami) & The Purifying Drink (ash-Sharab at-Tahur)

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About The Book

The Mawlid has always been celebrated throughout Islamic history as a communal commemoration of the blessed life of the Prophet sallaLlahu alayhi wasallam.

History has recorded many inspired and moving compilations –many have stood the test of time and many have been committed to heart.

We pray that this Mawlid by Habib ‘Umar will be a contemporary addition to those of which Allah is pleased with and a means to re-connecting us to Allah’s beloved, the mercy for all of existence.


ISBN: 9780620502771

Binding: Paperback

Author: Allamah Al-Habib Umar ibn Muhammad Bin Salim Bin Hafiz



Publisher: Dar al-Turath Al-Islami

Pages: 100

Year Published: 2015

Length: 10 in

Width: 7 in

Depth: 0.2 in

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